Jason Deshayes, Albuquerque #103 2008-2009 National Director Region 3
Clubs in Region 3: Albuquerque, NM; Bakersfield,CA; Calexico, CA; Glendale, AZ; Golden Empire in Bakersfield, CA; Phoenix, AZ; Scottsdale, AZ; Southern Arizona in Tucson, AZ; Tucson Club, AZ and Valley of the Sun in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, AZ. Hello all - new Region 3 Director Jason Deshayes here. Here's just a little about me and my plans for Region 3. I joined Albuquerque #103 back in July 2006. After my first event with the Club, I took on the role of Treasurer/Secretary, which seemed right in line with my professional background as a CPA. After seeing what we could do in ABQ, I wanted to get more involved with the National Club to see where we could improve, and also see what we could do to help other clubs in our area. With Region 3 being a bit spread out (Albuquerque/potential chapter El Paso on the east; Bakersfield/Golden Empire on the west; and a whole lot of Arizona clubs in the middle!), it has made inter-club interaction somewhat limited if you weren't physically nearby. One of my goals is to get the various chapters in the region to keep in touch with each other, if anything to just remind them that there are others around who can help out with insight/experience/manpower if necessary! I hope to get as many club visitations in as possible for the term, so expect a call or something from me to get that arranged! I'm pretty accessible - e-mail and phone calls are easy to do! If you have anything you need or that I can help with, feel free to shoot me an e-mail (jason@butlercpa.com) or give me a call (cell 505-250-3864; work 505-821-0893). Looking forward to serving you in this term!
Membership Growth - July 2008 Karen Mulera, 2007-2008 Region 3 Director Clubs in formation in Region 3: Welcome to El Paso, Texas and Los Angeles, CA. They are currently clubs in formation here in Region 3. Keep up the great work. The contact person for the El Paso Club in formation is Jose Fierro and his email address is fierrojose@hotmail.com. They also have a MySpace page at http://www.myspace.com/elpaso2030 you can direct them to. If you are interested in the Los Angeles Club in formation, please contact Membership Growth Chair Trish Sweeney, trish_sweeney@sbcglobal.net. I am proud to say that I represent a region full of great clubs who aren’t afraid to give suggestions on how we can better or organization as a whole. Please keep sending me your suggestions and solutions. It may take awhile for the board to discuss, vote on and incorporate them if they fit the mission of our organization. Change takes time and we are working to implement as many as we can before our term is over in August.