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Jennifer "Norms" Norman, Sierra Nevada #730
2006-2007 National President

Get Active ~ Get Involved

The hearts of Active 20-30ians does not stop at the USA borders.  We have partnered with Round Table clubs to ensure that special needs children in Kisumu, Kenya on the continent of Africa are fed, clothed, and educated.  We raised $7400 during 2006 and we are currently $1000 from our goal of $8000 for 2007. 

I would like to thank the following clubs and individuals who have donated to the Project in 2007:

Hangtown #43, Redwood Empire #1029, Sierra Nevada #730, Eugene #920, Gold Rush #1034, Golden Empire #1038, Bakersfield #27, Santa Rosa #50,  Dallas and Trish Sweeney,  Patrick Robrecht (Sacramento #1), Rene de Hermosa (Panama Noreste), Amy Alberg, Amy Brown-Wister, Amy Blumberg Minghelli, Bridget Walsh, Charlise Silva, Joline Pudoff, Lisa Sivongxay, Roxanne Brecek, Santosh Sethi (all from Greater Sacramento #1032), Tara Martinelli (Redwood Empire #1029), Rusty Burchfield (Bakersfield #27), and Jennifer Norman (Sierra Nevada #730).

Working together, we can make a direct impact on the lives of children half a world away.  Please consider making a 5% donation from your Benevolent and/or Foundation funds to this project.  To make a tax deductible donation ~ make checks payable and mail to:

Active 20-30 Foundation
c/o Kenya Project
915 L Street, Suite 1000
Sacramento, CA 95814

Please contact the National Office for wire transfer information.

Excerpt taken from WOCO Foundation website:

DoM Project wins the “Best Project of the Year Award” from Round Table International at the annual world conference

‘This award makes me very proud. It shows that we succeeded in giving our utmost for those who are really needy’, said Sanjay Mandavia, Past President of Round Table East Africa.
‘This project has a wonderful setup. It unites people from three continents, helping the DoM school village in my hometown Kisumu. The school management is outstanding with the best results for the children and the community. DoM has become our flagship, our example, our ‘School of Hope’ for a better education, a better life! I would like to thank the WOCO foundation and its Chairman Stefan Buegler, his national association Round Table Germany, Jennifer Norman, National President of Active 20-30 USA and her members and Round Table East Africa and everyone who helped for their support and Round Table International for recognizing their efforts in such a way.’