United State's 20-30 Clubs



Canada's 20-30 Clubs


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Active 20-30 United States and Canada providing young adults with an opportunity for personal growth, friendships and leadership development while improving the quality of life for the special needs children in the community.

"One Never Stands So Tall 
As When Kneeling To Help a Child."


Grant Application for Club, Individual, or National Development
Early in 2004, the Active 20-30 US & Canada National Board of Directors created four new grant opportunities available through the National Association, one for individual members and three to support club efforts. Funding for these grants (see descriptions in attached pdf file), is still available.
Please click here.


President's Club
Where current and immediate past presidents discuss issues of the day.


Active 20-30 has a rich history of involvement in communities as a non-profit service organization.  Active 20-30 United States and Canada is a member of  Activo 20-30 International as well as the  World Council of Service Organizations (WOCO).

Please contact our national office for more information:

We'd love to hear from you.  Send Comments to: 

(c) Active 20/30 International
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