Quick Links
National Website
2015 Convention
2014-2015 Board of Directors
Corey Arashiro President
Dana von Sternberg President-Elect
Vineet Wahi Immediate Past President
Wendy Cockrell National Treasuer
Geoffrey Cheung International Relations Officer (IRO)
Liesl McLean National Director, Region 1
Jason Coates National Director, Region 2
Brittany Howell National Director, Region 3
Tommy Lovell National Director, Rgion 4
Crystal Floyd National Director, Region 5
Derrick Karimian National Director, Region 6
Event Calendar- Club Events
Active 20-30 National Convention
Active 20-30 International Convention
Welcome to our special National Convention issue of the Twenty-Thirtian! We will be discussing all you need to know about the upcoming National Convention in San Francisco June 4-6. Thanks for taking the time to read and as always, please send us feedback at active2030prchair@gmail.com.
Buzzsaw Spotlight: 2015-16 National President-Elect Candidate Q&A
We are looking ahead to elections for the upcoming term that will be held at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at National Convention. There are two certified candidates running for National President-Elect for the upcoming term: Monica Uriarte (San Francisco #4) and Brian Noble (Santa Rosa #50). Each was posed a number of questions submitted to Tommy Lovell, Region 4 Director, and asked to answer in a Q&A format. We have attached those below for your review. Both candidates can be contacted via their candidate facebook pages: Brian and Monica or through email. Please take a moment to review Brian and Monica's responses and we look forward to seeing them both speak at AGM in June!
National Convention Overview & Updates Convention is right around the corner and there is still time to register! Register NOW!
There are now three available pricing options:
- All Convention (Thursday – Sunday) $375
- Weekend Price (Friday – Saturday) $250
- Installation/Gala Dinner ONLY (Saturday) $125
Important Updates:
- Friday Night Activity: Night-Time Tour of Alcatraz – included in full-convention or weekend registration! 20-30 Explores the Rock!
- Installation/Gala Dinner Theme: Yacht Club/I’m On A Boat 2.0
- All Gala Dinner Registrations must be received NO LATER than 5:00PM Wednesday June 3rd
Other agenda and activity updates can be found here.
From the National Office – Delegate Packets & Voting Options Click here for the Active 20-30 National Delegate Packet for this year's Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 6, 2015 during the National Convention in San Francisco, California. A club should do one of the following: (1) send a delegate who is in charge with casting the club's vote in possession of the proper credentialing document; (2) designate a proxy who they believe represents the club's interests' and opinions; or 3. vote absentee. If there are no declared candidates for an office on the absentee ballot, it would be recommended to vote by proxy and allow the proxy to use his/her best judgment. Absentee ballots should be sent to the national office (info@active20-30.org) no later than May 25, 2015 or presented in person at the AGM no later than 9:45 am on June 6, 2015. Proxy forms should be sent to the national office (info@active20-30.org) no later than May 25, 2015 or presented in person at the AGM no later than 9:45 am on Saturday, June 6, 2015 and include the name of the person designated to cast votes on your club's behalf. Proxy votes may not be directed, specified or restricted. The club's proxy is free to vote his or her conscience and best judgment. Club credential applications should be completed prior to Convention and must be presented in person at the AGM no later than 9:45 am on June 6, 2015. Blank copies of the application will not be provided at the AGM. Each club in "Good Standing" as of May 25, 2015 is entitled to one (1) voting AGM Delegate and one (1) Alternate Delegate. To be in good standing, a club must have met all financial obligations to the national association, must have proof of insurance on file with the national office, have a current roster–– including updated list of Board members, and current club membership of at least 10 people. One (1) copy of the final AGM packet will be given to each club upon check-in. Additional copies should be printed and carried-in as desired. If you have questions, please contact your National Director or myself. Thank you for continuing to advance the mission of Active 20-30! Sincerely, Corey Arashiro 2014-15 National President
What to Bring to SF National Convention Click here to see the Convention Agenda
A Positive Attitude Your heart, so you can leave it there! Lots of Layers (Clothes) – the temperature changes by the minute Delegate Packet & Ballot Camera Your Love of Active 20-30 Sense of Adventure An Open Mind Pack for the Fun & Fancy Nautical-Themed Attire Gala