United State's 20-30 Clubs



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April  2004

1 Past Active Event                Scottsdale
3 Rockin’ Comedy Night           Rohnert Park
3 Condors Night Bakersfield
10 Kids Easter Egg Hunt Redwood Empire
10 Kids Expo Gold Rush / Hangtown
11 St. John's Shelter -  5:PM Greater Sacramento #1032
14 Membership Drive Southern Arizona
15 Blood Drive Dinner Bakersfield
17 9th Annual Viva Las Vegas Valley of the Sun
17 Indianapolis Charter Night Indianapolis
23-25 Home Show Booth / Tacos Hangtown
24 Spring Party Sacramento #1
30 Moonsplash (Golf/Music) Phoenix, AZ #99


April  2003

12 Spring Party Sacramento #1
26 8th Annual Viva Las Vegas Valley of the Sun